Are Your Actions Reflecting Your Values?

You may (or may not!) have noticed I did not create a newsletter last week. What happened? Did I forget? No. Become lazy? Nope. Bag it altogether? Not at all. The truth of the matter is that after a full week of powerfully serving my clients I took my family to the beach for Memorial Day Weekend. Once there, we enjoyed good food, games, and the company of extended family.

Could I have created an article while there to send out? Sure, but that would’ve violated two of my high-ranking values. The first, being fully present with and for my family. There is an adage I recently read: We are all replaceable at work; none of us are replaceable at home. I am the only one who could have fulfilled the role of husband, father, son, and brother that weekend at the beach, so I chose to lean into that. The second value I didn’t want to compromise was my commitment to a healthy work-life balance. I believe in the value of hard work and practice that belief on a regular basis. However, without a corresponding commitment to rest and leisure we run the risk of burning out, and if I allow that to happen my own effectiveness diminishes. This reminds me of another axiom: Sharpen your axe, or the tool will eventually become increasingly dull and inefficient.

So, I challenge you to ask yourself two questions: One, “What are my core values?” and two, “Am I honoring those values by how I spend my time?”. If you’re feeling stuck in answering these questions, I invite you to contact me on the left side of your screen.

All the Best,

Reimagine Success Coaching, LLC - Leadership and Career Transitions Coaching
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